Saturday, August 29, 2015

Moose Jaw Times-Herald: Vintage cars are a trip back in time

Show and shine held over the weekend at Prairie Oasis    
Dwain and Jill Pezderic (left) and Doug and Phyllis
Bodnar (right) show off their cars at the Prairie Oasis
Motel and  Trailer Park on Aug. 29, 2015. The car
on the left is a 1937 Ford Sudan and the car on
the right is a 1946 Mercury convertible.
Lisa Goudy/Times-Herald

By Lisa Goudy

Doug Bodnar has driven to Minneapolis and back twice in his 1946 Mercury convertible.

"It just kind of suits our style of life," he said. "I think we've all just pretty much grown up with old cars and like working on them and building them and hanging around with people who have them."

His car has been on the road for 10 years. He is one of the 10 active members of the King's Men Club in Saskatoon.

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