Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Moose Jaw Times-Herald: Lisa's Corner: Never give up on your dreams

By Lisa Goudy
I have never made a new year’s resolution.

It’s not that I don’t see the value in them. In fact, it’s good and healthy to have constant goals to work toward, as long as the goals are attainable. Otherwise you’ll end up giving up on your new year’s resolution.

I just don’t always see Jan. 1 of a new year as the day I’m going to start to change my life. The truth is, I can make a decision to shoot for something I’ve always wanted, to set goals for myself, any day I want.

What you don’t want to do, and this goes for goals set at any time of the year in addition to new year’s resolutions, is make a goal too high, try really hard for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then, not seeing results you wanted or consistently failing, quitting and giving up on that goal.

Giving up on anything, especially our dreams, is something we should never do.

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