Friday, June 23, 2017

Moose Jaw Times-Herald: Sunningdale supports local shelter

Grade 3 class takes on social change project to collect donations to the humane society

Lisa Goudy/Times-Herald

Van Nagel, Grade 3 student at Sunningdale
Elementary School, and Tayler Gardner, Grade 3
teacher at Sunningdale, pose by the class’ donation to
the Moose Jaw Humane Society on June 20, 2017.

By Lisa Goudy

Following a suggestion from one of her students, Tayler Gardner’s Grade 3 class banded together to help the humane society.

“We’re learning a lot at Sunningdale about character education, so respect and empathy and I thought this would be one of the best ways for them to see firsthand about helping people,” said Gardner, a teacher at Sunningdale Elementary School. “It’s so they know they need other people and other people need them. It’s just important to have those relationships and those connections.” 

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