Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Moose Jaw Times-Herald: Jumpstarting kids into sports

Canadian Tire donates $4,500 to 15 Wing Moose Jaw and hosts Jumpstart Games for students

Lisa Goudy/Times-Herald

Gord Miller, TSN sportscaster, huddles with a group
of students from Palliser Heights School during a
flag football activity during Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart
Games at 15 Wing Moose Jaw on June 19, 2017.

By Lisa Goudy

You’re never too young to get active.

That was the message on Monday as 235 local students from Ecole St. Margaret, Sacred Heart and Palliser Heights schools participated in Jumpstart Games at 15 Wing Moose Jaw. Jumpstart is a national charity helping kids ages four to 18 from families in need to participate in physical activities. Students were joined by Gord Miller, TSN sportscaster, Brayden Schennn, Saskatoon-born NHL centre with the Philadelphia Flyers, and Meaghan Mikkelson, two-time Olympic hockey gold medalist.

“Lives are so busy now. People are so busy and it’s so easy to not be active, but the message of how great it is to be active needs to get out,” said Miller.

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