Friday, July 31, 2015

Moose Jaw Times-Herald: Lisa's Corner: Warping into Earth 2.0

By Lisa Goudy

Our planet now has a cousin.

Recently, scientists discovered Kepler 452b, a far-away planet that closely resembles Earth, from what is believed based on what scientists can see - a brief dimming of its parent star. It's also known as Earth 2.0.

The Kepler Space Telescope estimates 452b is 60 per cent bigger than Earth and is in a 385-day orbit around a yellow star that's 20 per cent bigger than our sun. It's estimated to have a mass five times greater than Earth.

From this, I wonder: What type of life, if any, exists on this planet? What about an alien species, plants or animal life?

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1 comment:

  1. I know there are other intelligent forms of life out there! There are so many galaxies with so many planets that we don't even know about. It would be arrogant to assume that humans are the only intelligent species that exist! I think this is really cool!
