Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Moose Jaw Times-Herald: Better communication for smoking areas at Mosaic Place

Mosaic Place.
Times-Herald photo by Lisa Goudy

By Lisa Goudy

Signs read No Smoking, but there still has been a bit of an issue at Mosaic Place and the Field House.

During Tuesday’s board of directors meeting at in the Colonsay Room at Mosaic Place, members tabled discussing the issue surrounding designated smoking areas until a later meeting.

“It’s just trying to get people away from the doors and get them into a smoking area where it’s not blowing in the building and it’s not uncomfortable for non-smokers that come in the building having to walk through a smoking area,” said general manager Scott Clark following the meeting.

'No Smoking' signs are posted at Mosaic
Place, but better communication is needed
to direct smokers to designated areas.
Times-Herald photo by Lisa Goudy
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  1. There should be a way for non-smokers to avoid the poisonous fumes that come from smokers. Hopefully they can come up with something.

  2. I think most non-smokers such as myself would agree with you!
