Friday, October 21, 2011

Leader-Post: Author visiting Sask. weighs in on Occupy movement

Author and journalist Linda McQuaig will soon be visiting
Saskatchewan for her upcoming book tour.

As the Occupy protests take place across Canada and North America, journalist and author Linda McQuaig is making a timely visit to Saskatchewan to discuss her latest book.
An excerpt from The Trouble with Billionaires by Linda McQuaig:
Imagine this: you are given one dollar every second.
At that rate, after one minute, you would have 60 dollars. After twelve days, you would be a millionaire – something beyond the wildest dreams of most people on Earth.
But how long would it take to become a billionaire?
Well, at that rate, it would take almost 32 years.
Being a billionaire isn't just beyond the wildest dreams of most people on Earth, it's likely beyond their comprehension.
Another way to grasp the sheer size of the fortunes of billionaires is to imagine how long it would take Bill Gates, generally considered the world's richest man, to count his $53 billion fortune. If he counted it at the same rate – one dollar every second – and he counted non-stop day and night, he would have it all counted in 1,680 years.
Or another way to look at it: if Bill Gates had started counting his fortune at that rate back in 330 AD – the same year the Roman emperor Constantine had his wife boiled alive and chose Byzantium as the Empire's new capital – he would just be finishing up now.

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