Friday, December 2, 2011

Leader-Post: Author argues multiculturalism not suitable in a democracy

Canadian author Salim Mansur spoke in Regina about why
he believes multiculturalism goes against liberal democracy.

Photograph by: Steve Bosch, Province files
Canadian author and professor Salim Mansur loves Canada, but he argues that multiculturalism does not support democracy.

Read more

Reviews of Salim Mansur's book, Delectable Lie: A Liberal Repudiation of Multiculturalism on the International Free Press Society Canada's website

More information about Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which is the hate speech law

Full comment from author Salim Mansur

“The idea (of multiculturalism) is based on flawed logic and bad fate.

“A good society - a society which is what a liberal democracy is in its ideal - a good society makes room to help individuals live to their full potential. That is, the full potential of being a free person and a good society that is a liberal democracy is a society that protects individual freedoms and individual rights. That’s what a constitutional government is.

"So when Canada says we’re a multicultural society, we’re putting up the argument that instead of looking at individuals, we’re going to look at group identity and collective identity. The two things cannot go together and that’s exactly the problem we are facing today.”

 - Salim Mansur


  1. This guy does have a valid point.

  2. It's certainly interesting to hear it from someone who immigrated to Canada from India.
